Photodynamic Therapy
FDA-approved Photodynamic Therapy has been proven successful in treating actinic keratoses, some early stage cancers, acne, rosacea, sun damage, and other textural irregularities. Patients who complete a treatment series can see benefits such as lesion reduction or removal, a clearer complexion, a more even skin tone, and even reduced pore size.
Areas | Face Chest Leg Hands Body |
Cost | |
Duration | 30 minutes for acne, 90 minutes for lesions |
Frequency | Generally at least 3 treatments spaced 3 weeks apart |

Questions? We’ve Got Answers.
How does PDT work?
PDT destroys abnormal cells by harnessing the power of a topical photo sensitizer called Levulan, or aminolevulinic acid (ALA), combined with a special light and molecular oxygen. ALA, a natural substance found throughout the body, is activated by light to destroy target tissue cells.
What are actinic keratoses?
Actinic keratoses (AK’s) are pre-cancerous lesions that arise from UV damage. It is important to get regular skin checks to determine if you have any of these lesions, as they have a chance of turning into a form of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma if left untreated.
Pre-Care Instructions
Post-Care Instructions
Ask Your Provider
Please notify our office prior to treatment if you have an active cold sore. You may require prophylactic therapy.
Avoid isotretinoin for 3 months prior to treatment.
Patient Safety
This treatment is not recommended for patients who are pregnant or who have pacemakers or internal defibrillators.
Sun Protection
Insert instructions here
Sun Exposure & Tanning