Dr. Day and her team are thrilled to offer a cutting edge, FDA-approved non-surgical face-lifting technology that uses polydiaxonone and polylactic acid absorbable threads to gracefully lift your upper, mid, and lower face. PDO and PLLA threads deliver long-lasting results without surgery, and this treatment complements other aesthetic treatments Dr. Day may recommend as part of your bespoke cosmetic regimen.
Areas | Face Eyebrows Eyelids Cheeks Jawline Neck |
Cost | $1000 |
Duration | 30-45 minutes |
Frequency | Annually |

Questions? We’ve Got Answers.
How long do the results last?
Results can last for a year or longer.
Do the threads dissolve?
The threads naturally dissolve over time, usually over the course of a year.
Can I exercise after treatment?
We recommend waiting 5-7 days before vigorous exercise.
Can threads be used in conjunction with neuromodulators & fillers?
Yes, there are no contraindications that prevent the use of neuromodulators and fillers with thread treatments.
Pre-Care Instructions
Post-Care Instructions
Special Events
To ensure adequate recovery time, social events are not recommended within 0-14 days after treatment.
Dental Appointments
Avoid scheduling dental procedures 24 hours prior to treatment and 30 days after treatment.
Patients are advised to avoid vaccinations 0-14 days prior to treatment.
Ask Your Provider
Please notify our office prior to treatment if you have an active cold sore. You may require prophylactic therapy.
Patient Safety
This treatment is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing.
Physical Activity
Avoid exercise 0-7 days after treatment.
Special Events
To ensure adequate recovery time, social events are not recommended within 0-14 days after treatment.
Dental Appointments
Avoid scheduling dental procedures 30 days after treatment.
Patients are advised to avoid vaccinations 30 days after treatment.